Saturday, January 23, 2010

Inspired by Convict Conditioning, the new exercise progream I've been working on, I've found several exercises and feats of strength and balance that I'd like to become proficient in. I am still a long way from some of these goals but I have a progression to follow that should keep bringing me closer to those goals as long as I keep working on it. I've listed what those goals are along with what my current level is on each of them. Next, I list the progressions I intend to follow. You might notice that the Convict Conditioning program conveniently develops several of the goals I have listed. That's one of the reasons the program interests me.

Strength Goals with My Current Levels

Jumping pistols, Jump over fence in backyard - Assisted pistols (cc squat progression step 9)

One arm pullups, Muscle-ups - Vertical rows, easy version (modified cc pullup progression step 2)

Pull-overs - Vertical rows, easy version (modification of cc pullup progression step 2), Knee tucks (cc hanging leg raise progression step 1)

One arm pushups - Incline pushups (cc pushup progression step 2)

Handstands, One arm handstand pushups - Handstands against wall (cc handstand progression step 3)

Back handspring - Shoulder bridges (cc bridge progression step 1)

Front lever - Skin the cats while Steph holds the pullup bar steady

L sit - Knees tucked, one leg extended or (briefly) both legs

Back lever - Hanging from pullup bar with tucked legs

Planche - Tip forwards a bit while supported on dip bars


One arm pushups, one arm pullups, one arm handstand pushups: Follow the Convict Conditioning progressions and I will get there.

Jumping pistols: Follow Convict Conditioning squat progression to build pistol strength, then work on ballistic pistols.

Handstands: While following the Convict Conditioning handstand progression to build strength, practice balancing on my hands.

Back handspring: Follow the Convict Conditioning bridge progression to develop the stand to stand bridge. Next, from the bridge position, practice kicking the feet up and over and start smoothing it out and speeding it up.

Jump over fence in backyard: Build strength with weighted pistols and deadlifts. Build speed strength with jumping pistols and different speed strength exercises. Jump.

Front lever, Back lever, L sit, Planche: Practice often following the advice from Christophers Sommor's article on gymnastic strength.

Pullovers: Follow the Convict Conditioning progressions to build pullup and hanging leg raise strength. Start practicing pullovers.

Muscle-ups: Build an excess of pull-up strength by following the Convict Conditioning pull-up progression. Start practicing an easier version of muscle-ups on a lower bar or on rings or something.


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